Prof. Dr. Agim Mamuti | Western Balkans University

Prof. Dr. Agim Mamuti

Departamenti i Shkencave Ekonomike dhe Financave
Fakulteti i Ekonomisë, Teknologjisë dhe Inovacionit
Prof. Dr. Agim Mamuti është një profesionist dinamik me mbi tetëmbëdhjetë vjet përvojë të larmishme si në sektorin akademik ashtu edhe në atë qeveritar. Trajektorja e tij e karrierës është shënuar me arritje të dukshme dhe kontribute të rëndësishme në institucione të ndryshme.

Karriera e Dr. Mamutit filloi në sektorin qeveritar, ku ai shërbeu në role si në nivel shtetëror ashtu edhe në atë vendor. Pas kalimit në akademi, ai ka mbajtur pozicione si asistent profesor në Fakultetin e Shkencave Ekonomike dhe Administrative në Universitetin Ndërkombëtar Ballkanik dhe si anëtar i stafit akademik në Universitetin Ndërkombëtar të Sarajevës, Institutin Kanadez të Teknologjisë dhe Universitetin e Nju Jork në Tiranë.

Në Universitetin “Nënë Tereza”, Dr. Mamutit iu njohën aftësitë drejtuese, pasi ai u zgjodh Dekan i Fakultetit të Shkencave Teknike për një mandat. Aktualisht, ai shërben si Dekan i Fakultetit të Ekonomisë, Teknologjisë dhe Inovacionit në Universitetin e Ballkanit Perëndimor (WBU), ku ka kryer edhe rolin e Udhëheqësit të Marrëdhënieve Ndërkombëtare.

Gjatë gjithë karrierës së tij, Dr. Mamuti ka demonstruar një përkushtim të fortë ndaj ekselencës në mësimdhënie, kërkime dhe hulumtim. Si profesor universitar, ai ka ligjëruar një sërë lëndësh në shkencat ekonomike dhe kontabilitet si në nivelin universitar ashtu edhe në atë pasuniversitar, ndërsa është angazhuar edhe në publikime të botuara në revista me reputacion ndërkombëtar. Për më tepër, rolet e tij si Dekan kanë përfshirë mbikëqyrjen e operacioneve të departamenteve akademike, menaxhimin e një fuqie punëtore të larmishme dhe rritjen e reputacionit të institucionit brenda komunitetit akademik dhe të biznesit.

Përvojat profesionale të Dr. Mamutit kanë përmirësuar aftësitë e tij analitike dhe zgjidhjen e problemeve, si dhe aftësinë e tij për të punuar në mënyrë efektive në mjedise multikulturore dhe për të bashkëpunuar me ekipe të ndryshme. Përkushtimi i tij ndaj të mësuarit të vazhdueshëm dhe përshtatshmërisë e ka pozicionuar atë si një profesionist të gjithanshëm, të aftë për të treguar rezultate në role të ndryshme dhe për të kontribuar në mënyrë domethënëse në organizatat të cilave u shërben.
  • 2020 Profesor i rregullt në Shkenca Ekonomike
  • 2011 PhD, Fakulteti Ekonomik, Universiteti “Ss. Kirili dhe Metodi”, Maqedonia e Veriut
  • 2007 MSc në Studime Ekonomike Evropiane, Fakulteti Ekonomik, Universiteti “Ss. Kirili dhe Metodi”, Maqedonia e Veriut
  • 2006 BSc në Administrim Biznesi – Financë, Fakulteti i Biznesit dhe Ekonomisë, Universiteti i Evropës Juglindore


  • Mamuti, A., Zubović, N., & Boztepe, E. (2023). Evaluating the Influence of CEFTA Membership on Financial Integration: An Empirical Panel Data Analysis. J. Corp. Gov. Insur. Risk Manag., 10(1), 69-78. 
  • Mamuti A., Ikonomi M., Caputo F. (2022), Starbucks Corporation in Albania: a discussion about franchising path and opportunities in global economy, International Journal of Business and Globalization, Volume 31, Issue 4, ISSN 1753-3635 
  • Mamuti A., Hysa E., Caputo F. (2021), "Harmonization Process of Albanian National Accounting Standards and International Accounting", in Contemporary Issues in Public Sector Accounting and Auditing (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Vol. 105), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 17-32. 
  • Ganic M. Mamuti A., A Re-examination of the Validity of the Life Cycle Hypothesis (LCH): Evidence from Emerging Europe, Croatian Economic Survey : Vol. 22 : No. 2 : December 2020 : pp. 73-99, 
  • Mamuti A., Ganic M. Impact of FDI on GDP and Unemployment in Macedonia Compared to Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Mateev M., Poutziouris P. (eds) Creative Business and Social Innovations for a Sustainable Future. Springer, Cham (2019) pp. 167-173, ISBN 978-3-030-01661-6 
  • Mamuti A., Xhaferi D., McGee R., Analyzing Financing Options for Sysco Corporation with focus on Albanian Market, IJBQAM, V.4, Issue 9 (2017), pp.26-35, ISSN 2349-5677 
  • Busatlic S., Mamuti A., Ridic O., Ridic G., Innovations in the Health Institutions of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (F.BiH), Innovation management, innovation management models and support methods, Journal of Economic Challenges, V. 6, Issue 12 (2017), pp.112-124, ISSN 2217-8821 
  • Ganic M., Dizdarevic A., Mamuti A., Assessing a Currency Substitution Persistency in the Western Balkan Region, Economic Analysis (2017), Issue nr. 3-4, pp.43-54, ISSN 2560-3949 
  • Caputo F., Perano M., Mamuti A., A Macro-Level View of Tourism Sector: Between Smartness and Sustainability, Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal, V.7, No 1 (2017), pp. 36-61 ISSN 2174-548X 
  • Mamuti A., Ganic M., Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Remittances, Comparative Analysis of Albania and Macedonia, European Journal of Sustainable Development Research (EJSDR), Vol. 2/ 2, 2017, ISSN 2458-8091 
  • Ganic M., Mamuti A., Developments, trends and features of financial integration in the Western Balkan region; Cross-country comparisons, Int. Journal of Management Economics and Business, ICAFR 16 Special Issue 2016, ISSN: 2147-9194
  • Mamuti A., Ganic, M., The Effect of FDI on the GDP of Macedonia, Int. Journal of Management Economics and Business, ICAFR 16 Special Issue 2016, ISSN: 2147-9194 
  • Brunilda H., Juxhen D., Mamuti A., Statistical Analysis of Macedonian Government Expenditures for The Period 2006 – 2013, International Scientific Journal, The Institute of Accounting, Control and Analysis in the Globalization Circumstances, Issue 2, 2016, ISSN 2410-0706, Cosmos Impact Factor (IF - 4,006) 
  • Mamuti A., The Impact of Brand Name on Consumers, Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Journal of Economics and Business Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1, May-August 2015, ISSN 2411-9571, Impact Factor for 2015, GSCIF 0.941 
  • Mamuti A., The Competitiveness of the Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN 2225- 8329, Impact Factor – 2012 0.558 allocated by Global Impact Factor, IC Value: 4.97, by Index Copernicus 
  • Mamuti A., Ozguner C., Nation Branding as a Means of Attracting FDI, International Journal of Business and Globalization, Volume 13, Issue 2, ISSN 1753-3635 
  • S.Kansu A., Mamuti A., The Use of Celebrity Endorsement as a Marketing Communication Strategy by Turkish Airlines, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Volume 3, Issue12, ISSN 2222-6990, Global Impact Factor– 2012 0.305 
  • Mamuti A., Integration Process of Bosnia and Herzegovina to European Union, Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy, Volume 1, Number 3, ISSN 2328-2134 
  • Mamuti A., Some Economic Views of Akhism, Epiphany: Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies (ISSN 1840-3719), Vol. 6, No. 1 (2013) 
  • Mamuti A., National Economies and Globalization, International Journal: Global 4, ISSN 1857-5633 
  • Mamuti A., Income Taxation in the EU Member-Countries and South-East Europe, International Journal: Global 3, ISSN 1857-5633


  • Manodip R.C., Barua T., Mamuti, A. Philanthropy through Corporate Social Responsibility: Reverberations on the Practice, V. International Applied Social Sciences (C-IASOS-2021) Congress. held between 7 - 9 October 2021 in Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey 
  • Mamuti A., Zinxhirja E., Puntillo P., Parrilli M., Sustainable Harmonization of Audit Regulation of Albania and North Macedonia with European Union, 5 th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), Book of Abstracts: 978-605-81426-3-3, Beograd, Serbia, April 17-21, 2019 
  • Mamuti A., Xhaferi Xh., McGee R, A Survey of Perception about the Tax Evasion as a Crime in Macedonia, ICEBSS conference, Book of Abstracts ISBN: 978-605-4931-67-5, August 07-11, 2018 Skopje, Macedonia 
  • Mamuti A., , The Impact of the Economic and Financial Crisis on the Countries of Western Balkan, The economic sustainability of Balkan countries and the Euro-integration challenges, Book of Abstracts ISBN 978-9951-494-78-6, May 26, 2018, Prishtina, Kosovo 
  • Mamuti A., Ikonomi M., McGee R., Tax Evasion as a Crime: A Survey of Perception in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Book of Abstracts: 978-605- 67955-7-2, April, 2018, Athens, Greece 
  • Mamuti A., Ganic M., Impact of FDI on GDP and Unemployment in Macedonia compared to Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, AUEIRC’17 and SPRINGER, Book of Abstracts, Nov 2017, Dubai, UAE 
  • Mamuti A., The Effects of the Economic Crisis on Selected Countries of Balkan Region, Conference on Management, Technology, Innovation and Social Change, Book of Abstracts, Amity University in Kolkata, India, 21-22 February, 2017 
  • Mamuti A., McGee R., Tax Evasion as a Crime: A Survey of Perception in Kosovo, 5th International Conference on Management, Business and Economics IC - MBE 2016, Book of Abstracts: 978-9951-437- 36-3, Proceedings: 978-9951-550-12-3 October, 2016, Durrës, Albania 
  • Doğanay Payziner P., Özkan O., Mamuti A., , A New Trend in Sustainability and Responsibility Accounting for Hospitals: Green Accounting International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), Book of Abstracts: 978-605-66262-7-2, Proceedings: 978-605-66262-6-5 Skopje, October, 2016 
  • Mamuti A., Ganic M., Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Remittances, Comparative Analysis of Albania and Macedonia, International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), Book of Abstracts: 978-605-66262-7-2, Proceedings: 978-605-66262-6-5 Skopje, October, 2016 
  • Ganic M., Mamuti A., , Developments, trends and features of financial integration in the Western Balkan region; Cross-country comparisons, International Congress on Accounting and Finance, Zonguldak, Turkey, 2016 
  • Mamuti A., Ganic M., The Effect of FDI on the GDP of Macedonia, International Congress on Accounting and Finance Research, Zonguldak, Turkey, May, 2016 
  • Mamuti A., Trends in Remittances Flows, Comparative Analysis of Albania and Macedonia, International Conference on Labor Migration and Industrial Citizenship, Tirana, November, 2015, ISBN 978-9928-4281-4-1 
  • Mamuti A., , Albanians and Migration after the First World War, International Congress: "Balkans and Migration on the 100th Anniversary of the First World War", December, 2015, Istanbul 
  • Kandri E., Mamuti A., Ethics of Tax Evasion, The case of Albania, 4th International Conference on Management, Business and Economics, Durres, November, 2015, Proceedings Book ISBN 9789951550123 
  • Mamuti A., The Impact of Brand Name on Consumers, Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Conference on Social Sciences, Proceedings Book Volume 3 ISBN 9788890916335, ICSS VI Istanbul, Sept, 2015 
  • Bubica B., Mamuti A., Busatlic S., Impacts of the Global Economic Crisis of 2008 on the Economy of Countries in Transition: Case Study of Balkan Region, First Sarajevo International Conference on “Global Crisis and Countries in Transition”, International University of Sarajevo, 19-20.06.2014 
  • Helic B., Mamuti A., Influence of Global Crisis on Healthcare Funds in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, First Sarajevo International Conference on “Global Crisis and Countries in Transition”, IUS, 19-20.06.2014 
  • Mahmulinj D., Mamuti A., Busatlic S., The Effects of the Global Economic Crisis on Countries in Transition in the Era of Globalization: Case Study of Balkan Region, First Sarajevo International Conference on “Global Crisis and Countries in Transition”, IUS, 19-20.06.2014 
  • Mamuti A., Economic Relations between Turkey and Macedonia, Silk Road Congress 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, 
  • Mamuti A., The Institutional Relations between the Republic of Macedonia and EU, EuroTechS 2013 Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina,, ISSN 2303-4580


  • Agim Mamuti, Tax evasion as a crime, a study of perception in selected countries, 2019, published in English by Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-659-8720-68 
  • Agim Mamuti, EU and Western Balkans, Case of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, published in English by Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-659-42311-6 
  • Agim Mamuti, Sermin Senturan, Accounting Principles, 2012 a book published in English language, ISBN 978- 608-65418-0-4, COBISS.MK-ID 90678538 
  • Agim Mamuti, Maastricht criteria, 2011 a book published in Albanian and Macedonian language, ISBN 978- 9989-57-767-3, COBISS.MK-ID 89101578