Trajnimi një ditor: "Cyber Basic Bootcamp" | Western Balkans University

Trajnimi një ditor: "Cyber Basic Bootcamp"

Kreu >Aktivitetet e fundit në WBU >Trajnimi një ditor: "Cyber Basic Bootcamp"

25/02/2023 09:00 WBU, Tirana

Technology Center of Excellence, një kompani e përbashkët e Western Balkans University dhe kompanisë izraelite Gold n'Links, organizojnë trajnimin një ditor "Cyber Basic Bootcamp", mundësuar nga EC-Council.

Trajnimi do të organizohet me datë 25/02/2023, pranë Western Balkans University në Tiranë

09:00-10:00- Registration
10:00-11:00- Lesson 1 - Intro: Cyber Threats and the Digital Universe
What is the cyber world?
•       The way it evolved during the years
•       The difference between IT, code development, and cyber and where they combine
•       Why is it so dangerous?

11:00-12:00- Lesson 2 – Hacking Fundamentals
•       Information gathering
•       What is CVE?
•       Denying services-The difference between DOS and DDOS
•       APT kill chain
•       Social engineering 

12:00-12:30 Launch break

12:30-14:00- Lesson 3 – Hacking Fundamentals (continued) 
•       Social engineering 
•       APT kill chain

14:00-14:30- Lesson 4 – Cybersecurity Professions  
14:30-15:00- Lesson 5– Preparation for Simulation
15:00-16:00- Lesson 6 – Basic Cyber Attack Simulation  
16:00-16:30 – Time for Questions

Trainers: Roi Shaposhnik and Lior Barash

Roi Shaposhnik
Roi has a made a career of working strategically to astutely drive innovative marketing and sales. With more than 20 years experience, his strength is in the security sector, both physical and cyber securities. Roi's passion makes him an exceptional leader.

Lior Barash
Lior Barash is a senior technology leader with over 20 years of experience in various strategic, technological, and managerial roles. He has worked as a founder, team leader, product strategist, and developer in cyber industries ranging from the private sector to government and HLS, medical, telecom, and startups. Additionally, he worked as a CyberSec specialist ans was responsible for teaching courses in networking and cyber security.

Application & Registration Process
Fee: 100 euro

Technology Center of Excellence is a joint venture of Western Balkans University and Gold n'Links.