Regjistrohuni për kurset Certified Network Defender dhe Certified Ethical Hacker | Western Balkans University

Regjistrohuni për kurset Certified Network Defender dhe Certified Ethical Hacker

Kreu >Aktivitetet e fundit në WBU >Regjistrohuni për kurset Certified Network Defender dhe Certified Ethical Hacker

16/10/2023 10:00 WBU, Tiranë

Technology Center of Excellence, një kompani e përbashkët e Western Balkans University dhe kompanisë izraelite Gold n'Links, organizojnë dy kurset e sigurisë kibernetike: Certified Network Defender (CND) dhe Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), nga 40 orë çdonjëra, mundësuar nga EC-Council.

Bonus për pjesëmarrësit në këto kurse është kursi Certified Cybersecurity Technician (CCT), i cili përbëhet nga 20 orë.

Kursi fillon me datë 16/10/2023, pranë Western Balkans University në Tiranë


Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) 60 hours

Module 1 – Basics
Information Security Threats and Vulnerabilities ↘ Information Security Attacks ↘ Network
Security Fundamentals ↘ Identification, Authentication, and Authorization ↘ Network Security
Controls: Administrative Controls ↘ Network Security Controls: Physical Controls ↘ Network
Security Controls: Technical Controls ↘ Network Security Assessment Techniques and Tools
↘ Application Security ↘ Virtualization and Cloud Computing ↘ Wireless Network Security
↘ Mobile Device Security ↘ Internet of Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT)
Security ↘ Cryptography ↘ Data Security ↘ Network Troubleshooting ↘ Network Traffic
Monitoring ↘ Network Log Monitoring and Analysis ↘ Incident Response ↘ Computer
Forensics ↘ Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery ↘Risk Management
Module 2 – Ethical Hacking
Introduction to Ethical Hacking ↘ Foot printing & Reconnaissance ↘ Scanning Networks ↘
Enumeration ↘ Vulnerability Analysis ↘ System Hacking ↘ Malware Threats ↘ Sniffing ↘
Social Engineering ↘ Denial-of-Service ↘ Session Hijacking ↘ Evading IDS, Firewalls, and
Honeypots ↘ Hacking Web Servers ↘ Hacking Web Applications ↘ SQL Injection ↘ Hacking
Wireless Networks ↘ Hacking Mobile Platform ↘ IoT and OT Hacking ↘ Cloud Computing ↘

Certified Network Defender (CND) 60 Hours

Module 1 – Basics
Information Security Threats and Vulnerabilities ↘ Information Security Attacks ↘ Network
Security Fundamentals ↘ Identification, Authentication, and Authorization ↘ Network Security
Controls: Administrative Controls ↘ Network Security Controls: Physical Controls ↘ Network
Security Controls: Technical Controls ↘ Network Security Assessment Techniques and Tools
↘ Application Security ↘ Virtualization and Cloud Computing ↘ Wireless Network Security
↘ Mobile Device Security ↘ Internet of Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT)
Security ↘ Cryptography ↘ Data Security ↘ Network Troubleshooting ↘ Network Traffic
Monitoring ↘ Network Log Monitoring and Analysis ↘ Incident Response ↘ Computer
Forensics ↘ Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery ↘Risk Management
Module 2 – Network Defending
Network Attacks and Defense Strategies ↘ Administrative Network Security ↘ Technical
Network Security ↘ Network Perimeter Security ↘ Endpoint Security-Windows Systems ↘
Endpoint Security-Linux Systems ↘ Endpoint Security- Mobile Devices ↘ Endpoint Security-
IoT Devices ↘ Administrative Application Security ↘ Data Security ↘ Enterprise Virtual
Network Security ↘ Enterprise Cloud Security ↘ Wireless Network Security ↘ Network Traffic
Monitoring and Analysis ↘ Network Logs Monitoring and Analysis ↘ Incident Response and
Forensic Investigation ↘ Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery ↘ Risk Anticipation with
Risk Management ↘ Threat Assessment with Attack Surface Analysis ↘ Threat Prediction with
Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cmimi për kurs: 1250 euro
Certifikimi nga E-Council ështe fakultativ. Në çmim nuk është e përfshirë pagesa për provimin dhe certifikimin e CEN dhe CND që ofrohet nga EC-Council.


Technology Center of Excellence is a joint venture of Western Balkans University and Gold n'Links.