MSc. Olimbie Hafuzi | Western Balkans University

MSc. Olimbie Hafuzi

Assistant Lecturer
Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy
Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences
Olimbie Hafuzi has completed her studies in General Nursing at the "Faculty of Medical and Technical Sciences" University Tirana in the period 2018-2021. Then she completed the Scientific Master in Nursing Sciences at the same university during 2021-2023. 

At the time of her studies, she practiced professional clinical practices and voluntary work in several facilities of QSUNT, such as Reanimation Surgery, Nephrology-Hemodialysis, Pediatrics, Gastro-Hepatology, Hematology, Neurology, Oncology, Obstetrics-Gynecology and ENT. 
After the licensing, she started practicing as a nurse in a private general clinic "StarMed Hospital", Tirana for several years. In recent years, he has worked at the Burns and Plastics specialty hospital in "Burn-Plastics Reanimation" at QSUNT. 
Her current focus from November 2023 is as an internal lecturer assistant at the "Western Balkans University" in Tirana.
She has also participated in several national trainings and conferences such as: "National Conference of Medical Sciences 10", in Tirana. 
"Awareness for Persons with Disabilities. Health care for patients with disabilities" etc. 
“Stats learning workshop 2024: Research methods and statistical learning”14 June 2024
In her spare time her interests include scientific research, learning foreign languages, reading, traveling and social involvement.