Prof. Assoc. Dr. Leart Berdica | Western Balkans University

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Leart Berdica

Associate Professor
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences and Imaging
Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences
Prof. Assoc. Dr. Leart Berdica is a distinguished pathologist and academic with extensive experience in medical education and clinical practice. Since 2000, he has been a full-time lecturer and pathologist at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana, and the Central University Hospital Center "Mother Teresa." He has also served as a consultant pathologist at the Regional Hospital of Shkodra since 2002.

Dr. Berdica has held several leadership roles, including Head of the Pathology Department at the American Hospital of Tirana (2016-2020) and Vice President of the Albanian Society of Pathology. He has contributed to medical education as a student defender at the Medical School of UMT and played a key role in organizing the International Medical Congress of the American Hospital (IMCA 2016). Additionally, he has been a member of the Institutional Electoral Commission of UMT.

Lately, he has joined Western Balkans University as an Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences and Imaging, further strengthening his role in shaping the next generation of medical professionals.
  • 1989-1993 | Secondary school,  “Jordan Misja”,  Shkoder, Albania.
  • 1994-2000 | Diploma of General Medicine, Facolty of Medicine, University of Tirana, Albania
  • 2003-2007 | School of Specialisation in Pathology, 4 years, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana, Albania
  • 2003-2004 | Master in Pathology of prostate, faculty of medicine University of Tirana.
  • 2006- 2013 | Doctorature in Carcinoma of the prostate in Albania, University of Tirana, Albania.
  • 02.2001-10.2001 | Training course of 8 months  in Hysto e Cytopatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bari, Italy
  • 11.2006- until now | Studies of non tumoral Nefropathology included in the proget of INTERREG III( cooperation Albania-Italia)
  • 15.10.12-25.12.12 |  Dermatopathology experience in Asan Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 2023 | Associate Professor in Pathology
| Cardiac hemangioma presenting as a primary cardiac tumor L Berdica, E Kola, D Nakuci, E Horjeti, M Alimehmeti Cardio-oncology 9 (1), 3 | 11 | 2023
| Unusual Histological Variant of a Primary Osseous Tumor of the Jaw in a 27-Year-Old Female: Review of the Literature and Case Presentation E Kola, L Berdica, T Bushati, A Aga, A Guy, I Kola, E Horjeti, K Hoxha, ... ASMS 4 (5), 45-48 | 9 | 2020
| Squash smear cytology and its role in intraoperative diagnosis of CNS tumours: first experience in Albania T Bushati, R Alimehmeti, A Seferi, G Kaloshi, L Berdica, E Pajaj, M Petrela Albanian J Med Health Sci 46, 22-8 | 4 | 2015
| Magnetic resonance imaging findings in primary lymphoma of the liver: a case report F Bilaj, L Berdica, A Dhima, G Vreto Journal of medical case reports 6, 1-4 | 4 | 2012
| Early Detection of Pollution Stress through Evaluation of Some Metabolic and Histopathological Biomarkers in Carp Fish (Cyprinus carpio l.) from Shkodra Lake, Albania V Aliko, M Qirjo, E Sula, L Berdica Balwois Conference. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia | 3 | 2012
| Primary pulmonary follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: Successful treatment of an extremely rare case. F Caushi, L Berdica, D Xhemalaj, I Skenduli Journal of BU ON.: Official Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 24 (2 … | 2 | 2019
| Anesthetic considerations of Conn syndrome: a case presentation and mini-review the anesthesiologist and Conn syndrome A Jano, R Domi, L Berdica, H Sula, I Ohri Clin Med Res 3 (5), 132-135 | 2 | 2014
| Sebaceous carcinoma in situ as a diagnostic entity. Case report and review of the literature. L Berdica, T Bushati, A Aga, E Kola, R Celami, A Dogjani Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2 (2), 136-141 | 1 | 2018
| Primary gastric melanoma. L Berdica, T Bushati, R Celami, B Koza, R Capi, G Pumo, I Ciraku, ... Adv. LifeSci. Techn 52, 13 | 1 | 2017
| Kaposiform Hemangioendotelioma with Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome Treated With Propranolol and Vincristine DB Alia, A Godo, E Brahimllari, M Xhafa, A Arapi, L Berdica, A Barbullushi Int J Sci Res 4, 2028-30 | 1 | 2015
| Extensive sclerodermoid signs in a pediatric patient after treatment for malignancy AG Donjeta Bali Alia1, Leart Bërdica2, Monika Fida3, Ermira Vasili3, Sabina ... JEADV Clinical Practice |   | 2023
| Evaluation of ALK, EGFR and PD-L1 Mutations in Pulmonary Carcinomas through Immunohistochemistry T Bushati, L Berdica, J Memçaj, I Laçi, I Ibrushi Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 7 (2), 1292-1295 |   | 2023
| Scrotal Kaposi's Sarcoma in HIV-negative Patient: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. T Bushati, L Berdica, A Ndoja, E Sukaj, I Ibrushi, L Kaza Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 7 (2), 1304-1307 |   | 2023
| The Key Role of Splenectomy in Fever of unknown Origin which Resulted to be B-cell primary Splenic Lymphoma. E Muco, R Osmenaj, R Bode, A Blloshmi, J Prendi, L Berdica Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 7 (2), 1308-1310 |   | 2023
| The diagnostic value of ultrasound and mammography in detection of breast cancer in Albania I Laçi, L Bërdica, H Nina, I Akshija, A Spahiu, E Toçi International Journal of Public Health 12 (1), 427-436 |   | 2023
| Splenic Rupture during Childbirth as a Medico-Legal Issue. Case report and review of literature TB Arben Lloja, Elmas Shaqiri,Albina Ndoja, Leart Berdica AJMHS 63 |   | 2023
| The 6th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery A Dogjani, A Gjata, X Draçini, E Celiku, C Mesquita, JC Puyana, M Zago, ... Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 6 (2.6), 1-132 |   | 2022
| Primary carcinoid of uterus. Case report and review of the literature L Berdica, T Bushati, E Sukaj, A Ndoja VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 481 (SUPPL 1), S265-S266 |   | 2022
| Primary urothelial carcinoma of the prostate. Case report and review of literature L Berdica, T Bushati, A Ndoja, E Sukaj VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 481 (SUPPL 1), S357-S358 |   | 2022
| Diffuse Lipomatosis of Thyroid Gland. Case Report and Review of Literature. DF Xhemalaj, E Xhardo, F Gradica, L Berdica Diagnostic Pathology 7 (1) |   | 2022
| Multiseptate Gallbladder. A Case Report. Z Shabani, L Berdica, A Pllumi, B Shega Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 6 (1), 976-978 |   | 2022
| Gender and Age Distribution of Thyroid Nodules using Imaging Diagnostic and Management Modalities in Albania; Our data G Halilaj, L Berdica, R Celami, E Vasili, A Dhima, R Hasa, E Trushaj, ... Hospital 92 |   | 2022
| Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the tongue: A case report L Berdica, T Bushati, A Aga, E Vajushi, A Dogjani J Clin Images Med Case Rep 2 (6), 1409 |   | 2021
| Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports L Berdica, T Bushati, A Aga, E Vajushi, E Sukaj, A Ndoja, A Dogjani |   | 2021
| Hepato Cellular Carcinoma: Case Report H Kolani, I Mamica, M Çili, L Berdica, E Çeliku |   | 2020
| Parathyroid adenolipoma. A case report and review of the literature. A Dibra, T Bushati, L Berdica, B Masati, S Maranaku Annali Italiani di Chirurgia 8, S2239253X19030615-S2239253X19030615 |   | 2019
| Parathyroid adenolipoma. A Dibra, T Bushati, L Berdica, B Masati, S Maranaku |   | 2019
| The 2nd Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery & The 3rd International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tetovo, RN of Macedonia A Dogjani, R Latifi, A Gjata, K Haxhirexha, V Vecsei, J Saveski, I Hasani, ... Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2 (2.2), 1-150 |   | 2018
| Management Approach to Thyroid Cancer in Albania I Kokalari, S Buba, I Mamica, A Dhima, T Berdica-Bushati, L Berdica Management 62 |   | 2018
| Alfa Internexin Expression in a Series of 137 Gliomas and its Correlation with Oligodentroglial Morphology IDH1, P53 SYN and EGFR Expression T Bushati, G Kaloshi, G Pumo, M Ruka, M Alimehmeti, L Berdica, A Seferi, ... ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and … |   | 2016
| PREOPERATIVE Ac ANTI-THYROGLOBULIN COULD BE A POTENTIAL RISK FACTOR FOR DIFFERENTATED THYROID CANCER E Puca, KB Koza, S Bitri, L Berdica, A Ylli Medico Research Chronicles 3 (02), 198-202 |   | 2016
| What are clinicopathologic findings of lung cancer in Albanian population? D Xhemalaj, F Caushi, M Alimehmeti, L Berdica, H Hafizi, B Marku, ... VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 467, S251-S251 |   | 2015
| Trend of malignant melanoma in Albania D Xhemalaj, M Alimehmeti, F Caushi, L Berdica, S Oupadia, E Hila VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 467, S168-S168 |   | 2015
| How effective was broncoscopic biopsy during 2011 in Albania? D Xhemalaj, G Cerga, G Cekodhima, J Nikolla, L Berdica European Respiratory Journal 42 (Suppl 57) |   | 2013
| So-called carcinosarcoma of the duodenum: Case report and review of the literature L Berdica, T Bushati, S Erekul, A Doniku, A Orlandi VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 461, S108-S108 |   | 2012
| Pyoderma gangrenosum: a case similar to a bullous erysipelas M Vargu, E Vasili, L Berdica Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 171 (3), 383-6 |   | 2012
| 100P CASE REPORT: A GIANT DUMBBELL GANGLIONEUROMA OF THE POSTERIOR MEDIASTINUM FS Caushi, A Seferi, A Hatibi, M Petrela, A Menzelxhiu, G Vreto, R Oketa, ... Lung Cancer, S50 |   | 2011
| Extensive sclerodermoid signs in a pediatric patient after treatment for malignancy DB Alia, L Bërdica, M Fida, E Vasili, S Dedej, A Godo JEADV Clinical Practice |   |
| Splenic Rupture during Childbirth as a Medico-Legal Issue. Case report and review of literature A Lloja, E Shaqiri, A Ndoja, L Berdica, T Bushati |   |
| Gastrointestinal Bleeding due to the Small Bowel GIST. Multimodal Assessment of the Patient on Emergency. Case report and review of literature A Llazani, A Nelaj, L Berdica, M Aliaj, A Dibra, X Draçini, E Çeliku |   |
| Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors, Identification of C-Kit Mutation and Differential Diagnosis T Bushati, L Berdica, E Kola |   |
| The Influence of Some Epidemiological Factors and Clinical Presentation in the Survival of the Patients Diagnosed with pT1-T3 Renal Cell Carcinoma A Janko, B Hoxha, R Domi, H Gani, E Petrela, L Berdica, M Xhani |   |
| Use of molecular markers immunoreactivity can help stratify glioma s patients into groups within the same grade and histological entity T Bushati, L Berdica, M Alimehmeti, G Kaloshi, A Seferi, R Alimehmeti, ... |   |
| Lymphoepithelioma-like Gastric Carcinoma (LELGC): A Case Report and Review of Literature T Bushati, E Kola, L Berdica |   |
| Ultrasound transrectal biopsy of prostate is an important diagnostic procedure for prostate cancer G Galiqi, F Tartari, L Bërdica age 60 (11), 12 |   |
| Primary Breast Lymphoma L Berdica, T Bushati, R Celami, B Koza, A Dragoshi, I Ciraku, A Doniku, ... |   |