Cardiac hemangioma presenting as a primary cardiac tumor L Berdica, E Kola, D Nakuci, E Horjeti, M Alimehmeti Cardio-oncology 9 (1), 3 |
11 | 2023
Unusual Histological Variant of a Primary Osseous Tumor of the Jaw in a 27-Year-Old Female: Review of the Literature and Case Presentation E Kola, L Berdica, T Bushati, A Aga, A Guy, I Kola, E Horjeti, K Hoxha, ... ASMS 4 (5), 45-48 |
9 | 2020
Squash smear cytology and its role in intraoperative diagnosis of CNS tumours: first experience in Albania T Bushati, R Alimehmeti, A Seferi, G Kaloshi, L Berdica, E Pajaj, M Petrela Albanian J Med Health Sci 46, 22-8 |
4 | 2015
Magnetic resonance imaging findings in primary lymphoma of the liver: a case report F Bilaj, L Berdica, A Dhima, G Vreto Journal of medical case reports 6, 1-4 |
4 | 2012
Early Detection of Pollution Stress through Evaluation of Some Metabolic and Histopathological Biomarkers in Carp Fish (Cyprinus carpio l.) from Shkodra Lake, Albania V Aliko, M Qirjo, E Sula, L Berdica Balwois Conference. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia |
3 | 2012
Primary pulmonary follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: Successful treatment of an extremely rare case. F Caushi, L Berdica, D Xhemalaj, I Skenduli Journal of BU ON.: Official Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 24 (2 … |
2 | 2019
Anesthetic considerations of Conn syndrome: a case presentation and mini-review the anesthesiologist and Conn syndrome A Jano, R Domi, L Berdica, H Sula, I Ohri Clin Med Res 3 (5), 132-135 |
2 | 2014
Sebaceous carcinoma in situ as a diagnostic entity. Case report and review of the literature. L Berdica, T Bushati, A Aga, E Kola, R Celami, A Dogjani Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2 (2), 136-141 |
1 | 2018
Primary gastric melanoma. L Berdica, T Bushati, R Celami, B Koza, R Capi, G Pumo, I Ciraku, ... Adv. LifeSci. Techn 52, 13 |
1 | 2017
Kaposiform Hemangioendotelioma with Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome Treated With Propranolol and Vincristine DB Alia, A Godo, E Brahimllari, M Xhafa, A Arapi, L Berdica, A Barbullushi Int J Sci Res 4, 2028-30 |
1 | 2015
Extensive sclerodermoid signs in a pediatric patient after treatment for malignancy AG Donjeta Bali Alia1, Leart Bërdica2, Monika Fida3, Ermira Vasili3, Sabina ... JEADV Clinical Practice | | 2023
Evaluation of ALK, EGFR and PD-L1 Mutations in Pulmonary Carcinomas through Immunohistochemistry T Bushati, L Berdica, J Memçaj, I Laçi, I Ibrushi Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 7 (2), 1292-1295 | | 2023
Scrotal Kaposi's Sarcoma in HIV-negative Patient: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. T Bushati, L Berdica, A Ndoja, E Sukaj, I Ibrushi, L Kaza Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 7 (2), 1304-1307 | | 2023
The Key Role of Splenectomy in Fever of unknown Origin which Resulted to be B-cell primary Splenic Lymphoma. E Muco, R Osmenaj, R Bode, A Blloshmi, J Prendi, L Berdica Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 7 (2), 1308-1310 | | 2023
The diagnostic value of ultrasound and mammography in detection of breast cancer in Albania I Laçi, L Bërdica, H Nina, I Akshija, A Spahiu, E Toçi International Journal of Public Health 12 (1), 427-436 | | 2023
Splenic Rupture during Childbirth as a Medico-Legal Issue. Case report and review of literature TB Arben Lloja, Elmas Shaqiri,Albina Ndoja, Leart Berdica AJMHS 63 | | 2023
The 6th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery A Dogjani, A Gjata, X Draçini, E Celiku, C Mesquita, JC Puyana, M Zago, ... Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 6 (2.6), 1-132 | | 2022
Primary carcinoid of uterus. Case report and review of the literature L Berdica, T Bushati, E Sukaj, A Ndoja VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 481 (SUPPL 1), S265-S266 | | 2022
Primary urothelial carcinoma of the prostate. Case report and review of literature L Berdica, T Bushati, A Ndoja, E Sukaj VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 481 (SUPPL 1), S357-S358 | | 2022
Diffuse Lipomatosis of Thyroid Gland. Case Report and Review of Literature. DF Xhemalaj, E Xhardo, F Gradica, L Berdica Diagnostic Pathology 7 (1) | | 2022
Multiseptate Gallbladder. A Case Report. Z Shabani, L Berdica, A Pllumi, B Shega Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 6 (1), 976-978 | | 2022
Gender and Age Distribution of Thyroid Nodules using Imaging Diagnostic and Management Modalities in Albania; Our data G Halilaj, L Berdica, R Celami, E Vasili, A Dhima, R Hasa, E Trushaj, ... Hospital 92 | | 2022
Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the tongue: A case report L Berdica, T Bushati, A Aga, E Vajushi, A Dogjani J Clin Images Med Case Rep 2 (6), 1409 | | 2021
Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports L Berdica, T Bushati, A Aga, E Vajushi, E Sukaj, A Ndoja, A Dogjani | | 2021
Hepato Cellular Carcinoma: Case Report H Kolani, I Mamica, M Çili, L Berdica, E Çeliku | | 2020
Parathyroid adenolipoma. A case report and review of the literature. A Dibra, T Bushati, L Berdica, B Masati, S Maranaku Annali Italiani di Chirurgia 8, S2239253X19030615-S2239253X19030615 | | 2019
Parathyroid adenolipoma. A Dibra, T Bushati, L Berdica, B Masati, S Maranaku | | 2019
The 2nd Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery & The 3rd International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tetovo, RN of Macedonia A Dogjani, R Latifi, A Gjata, K Haxhirexha, V Vecsei, J Saveski, I Hasani, ... Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2 (2.2), 1-150 | | 2018
Management Approach to Thyroid Cancer in Albania I Kokalari, S Buba, I Mamica, A Dhima, T Berdica-Bushati, L Berdica Management 62 | | 2018
Alfa Internexin Expression in a Series of 137 Gliomas and its Correlation with Oligodentroglial Morphology IDH1, P53 SYN and EGFR Expression T Bushati, G Kaloshi, G Pumo, M Ruka, M Alimehmeti, L Berdica, A Seferi, ... ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and … | | 2016
What are clinicopathologic findings of lung cancer in Albanian population? D Xhemalaj, F Caushi, M Alimehmeti, L Berdica, H Hafizi, B Marku, ... VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 467, S251-S251 | | 2015
Trend of malignant melanoma in Albania D Xhemalaj, M Alimehmeti, F Caushi, L Berdica, S Oupadia, E Hila VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 467, S168-S168 | | 2015
How effective was broncoscopic biopsy during 2011 in Albania? D Xhemalaj, G Cerga, G Cekodhima, J Nikolla, L Berdica European Respiratory Journal 42 (Suppl 57) | | 2013
So-called carcinosarcoma of the duodenum: Case report and review of the literature L Berdica, T Bushati, S Erekul, A Doniku, A Orlandi VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 461, S108-S108 | | 2012
Pyoderma gangrenosum: a case similar to a bullous erysipelas M Vargu, E Vasili, L Berdica Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 171 (3), 383-6 | | 2012
100P CASE REPORT: A GIANT DUMBBELL GANGLIONEUROMA OF THE POSTERIOR MEDIASTINUM FS Caushi, A Seferi, A Hatibi, M Petrela, A Menzelxhiu, G Vreto, R Oketa, ... Lung Cancer, S50 | | 2011
Extensive sclerodermoid signs in a pediatric patient after treatment for malignancy DB Alia, L Bërdica, M Fida, E Vasili, S Dedej, A Godo JEADV Clinical Practice | |
Splenic Rupture during Childbirth as a Medico-Legal Issue. Case report and review of literature A Lloja, E Shaqiri, A Ndoja, L Berdica, T Bushati | |
Gastrointestinal Bleeding due to the Small Bowel GIST. Multimodal Assessment of the Patient on Emergency. Case report and review of literature A Llazani, A Nelaj, L Berdica, M Aliaj, A Dibra, X Draçini, E Çeliku | |
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors, Identification of C-Kit Mutation and Differential Diagnosis T Bushati, L Berdica, E Kola | |
The Influence of Some Epidemiological Factors and Clinical Presentation in the Survival of the Patients Diagnosed with pT1-T3 Renal Cell Carcinoma A Janko, B Hoxha, R Domi, H Gani, E Petrela, L Berdica, M Xhani | |
Use of molecular markers immunoreactivity can help stratify glioma s patients into groups within the same grade and histological entity T Bushati, L Berdica, M Alimehmeti, G Kaloshi, A Seferi, R Alimehmeti, ... | |
Lymphoepithelioma-like Gastric Carcinoma (LELGC): A Case Report and Review of Literature T Bushati, E Kola, L Berdica | |
Ultrasound transrectal biopsy of prostate is an important diagnostic procedure for prostate cancer G Galiqi, F Tartari, L Bërdica age 60 (11), 12 | |
Primary Breast Lymphoma L Berdica, T Bushati, R Celami, B Koza, A Dragoshi, I Ciraku, A Doniku, ... | |