MSc. Brunilda Mezani | Western Balkans University

MSc. Brunilda Mezani

Assistant Lecturer
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences and Imaging
Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences
Brunilda Mezani since the October 2024 is the Head of the International Relation Office at the WBU University and she has been entrusted with several administrative tasks as the Head of the Professional Development at the Sub-Unit of the Human Recourse units at the WBU University, Member at the Internal quality control at European University.
Since 2022 she works as the Assistant Lecturer at Department of the Medical Laboratory Sciences and Imaging at Western Balkans University.
Brunilda is a Management Committee Member at “Harmonizing clinical care and research on adrenal tumors in European countries” (HARMONISATION) CA20122 and members in some others Cost Actions research networks. Actually. She is a Membership of the European Society of Endocrinology.
Brunilda holds master’s degree in the Molecular Medicine program from the Istanbul University, Institute of the Health Sciences, Turkey. She is under graduated at the Biology – Chemistry Program, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania and actually she is the PhD. Candidate Student, with the theme “Study of Adrenal gland pathologies in the Albanian population” at the Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of the Tirana, Albania.
During her academic training, she took part in several qualifications and trainings from Harvard Medical University (USA), University Hospital Würzburg (Germany), Istanbul University (Turkey), Koc University (Turkey), University of the Lecce (Italy), Tirana University (Albania), Erasmus+ programs, etc.
2015 Saime Turan1, Brunilda Mezani1 , Özlem Küçükhüseyin1, Arzu Ergen1, Aysegul Verim2, Ilhan Yaylım1. Manganese Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase Genotypes in Laryngeal Cancer Patients, International Workshop on “Biochemistry, Physiology and Pharmacology of Oxidative Stress, 2-4 July,İtaly, Poster nr 54.
2015 Gulbu Isitmangil1, Güven Gürleyik2, Fügen Vardar Aker3,Soykan Arikan4, Özlem Küçükhüseyin5, Saime Turan5, Roya Meshediyeva5, Sinem Demirbağ5 , Canan Cacina5, Arzu Ergen5, Brunilda Mezani5, Nazlı Caner Yanık5, Ilhan yaylım5 The Effects of CTLA4 -Cd28 Genetic Variants and Serum Levels on the Development of Breast Cancer 5th International Congress of Molecular Medicine, Dokuz Eylul University May 20- 22, 2015 Izmir, Turkey, pg 186.
2014 Saime Turan1, Ayşegül Verim2, Gurbet Dursun1, Roya Mashadiyeva1, Sinem Demirbağ1, Özlem Timirci-Kahraman1, Brunilda Mezani1, İlhan Yaylım1Galektin-3 Gen Varyantlarının Larinks Kanseri Gelişimi ve Prognozu Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi 6. Detae Günlerı̇ Detae’nı̇N 70. YaşInda Hastalik Ve SağLiğA Bakiş, 24-25 KASIM 2014 Abstract Book, pg 44.
2013 Ilhan Yaylım1, Brunilda Mezani1 , M.Muzaffer Ilhan2 , Bahar Toptaş1 , Sema Demerci Çekıç3 , Saime Turan2 , Gurbet Korkmaz2 , Nazlı Ezgi Ozkan2 , Ayşe İrem Yasın2 , Seda Yüce2 , Ertugrul Tasan2 , H.Arzu Ergen1 , Reşat Apak3 A possible association between manganese superoxide dismutase genotypes and Antioxidants Markers in Acromegaly Patients. Actively participated to the ''15th Anniversary of the International Society of Antioxidants 12th International Conference on Oxidative Stress, Redox States &Antioxidants'' Paris – France, ISBN 978-2-35609-076-8, pg 58. Bahar Toptaş1, Özlem Küçükhüseyin1, Özlem Timirci Kahraman1, Güldal İnal Gültekini1, Kubilay Karşıdağ2, Selim İsbir3, 
2013 Brunilda Mezani1, E. Sinem Bireller1, Canan Cacina1, İlhan Yaylım1, Turgay İsbir4. Ivestigation of myosin heavy chain gene 11(MYH11) ALA1234THR, TGF-1 C-509T polymorphisma and TGF-1 levels on coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus development in the Turkish population. Actively participated to the ''15th Anniversary of the International Society of Antioxidants 12th International Conference on Oxidative Stress, Redox States &Antioxidants'' Paris – France, ISBN 978-2-35609-076-8, pg 64.
2018 Muzaffer Ilhan, Seda Turgut, Saime Turan, Sema Demirci Cekic, Hayriye Arzu Ergen,
Gurbet Korkmaz Dursun, Brunilda Mezani, Ozcan Karaman, Ilhan Yaylim, Mustafa Resat Apak 
and Ertugrul TasanThe assessment of total antioxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase levels, 
and the possible role of manganese superoxide dismutase polymorphism in acromegaly, The 
Japan Endocrine Society 2018, 65 (1), 91-99.
2015 M. Ilhan, S.Turgut,S. D. Cekic, A.Ergen, G. Korkmaz, B.Mezani, O.Karaman, O. Uysal, I. Yaylim, R. Apak, E. Tasan. The Influence of the disease activity on TAC and SOD level, and the possible role of MnSOD polymorphism in Acromegaly. Original article at Archives of endrocology and metabolism, AEM – 2015 – 0256 2015 Ozlem Kucukhuseyin, Saime Turan, Karolin Yanar, Soykan Arikan, Yigit Duzkoylu, Seval 
2015 Aydin, Ufuk Cakatay, Brunilda Mezani, Ammad Ahmad Farooqi, Gulbu Aydinoğlu Isitmangil, Bayram Kiran, Canan Cacina, Ezgi Nurdan Yenilmez, Arzu Ergen, Umit Zeybek, Ilhan Yaylim The Individual and Combined Effects of CTLA4-Cd28 variants and oxidant-antioxidant status on the development of colorectal Cancer, Anticancer Research 2015 Oct;vol.35 no10 5391-5400.
2007 1S. Beqiraj, 2M. Pina, 2A. Basset, 1E. Nikleka, 1B. Fetahu, 1E.Doka, 1M. Ismailaj, 2E. Barbone, 2F. Sangiorgio, 2M. Fedele.“Preliminary data on the macrozoobenthos of the Albanian coastal lagoons(lagoons of Patok, Karavasta,narta).” Transitional Waters Bulletin, TWB, Transit. Waters Bull. 3(2007), 37-43, ISSN 1825-229X, DOI 10.1285/i1825229Xv1n3p37