"Navigating the Digital Landscape" by Silvja Gjepali | Western Balkans University

"Navigating the Digital Landscape" by Silvja Gjepali

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09/05/2024 13:00 Auditorium, A Building, Ground floor

Mrs. Silvja Gjepali, a highly experienced and skilled expert in the field of Digital Marketing, will be leading a training session on "Navigating the Digital Landscape" at Western Balkans University. The training is scheduled for May 9th, 2024, at 1:00 PM, in the Auditorium Hall located on the ground floor of Building A.

Mrs. Gjepali holds a bachelor's and master's degree in "Information and Communication Technology" from the University of Tirana, Faculty of "Natural Sciences". She also holds the title of "Master Breve" in the "Digital Marketing" branch, which she earned after completing her studies in Bologna, Italy.

Having worked with both local and international companies, Mrs. Gjepali possesses an extensive range of skills, including Front/Back-End Web Development, Webmastering, Digital Brand Strategy and Analytics, and SEO copywriting.