A Guide to the Multiple Mini Interview | Western Balkans University

A Guide to the Multiple Mini Interview

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Kindly Remember the Selection Criteria:
50% - GPA
30% - CASPER test
20% - Multiple Mini Interviews
What is the MMI?
The multiple mini-interview (or MMI) is an interviewing technique that requires an applicant to complete several “mini-interviews” in short succession.
The MMI is a series of six interviews "stations" or encounters lasting 8-9 minutes and centered on a scenario. Each station has its interviewer (rater); consequently, each student is evaluated by 6 different individuals. 
The station scenarios do not test or assess scientific knowledge, but respective sessions would measure:
1. Respect and Dignity
2. Empathy
3. Motivation for Healthcare
4. Resilience
5. Ethics and Probity (Honesty)
6. Collaboration/Team Working
MMIs have been found to: 
1) Reduce the presence of bias among interviewers; 
2) Assess noncognitive skills and character traits that are important for careers in healthcare. 
MMIs also provide multiple opportunities for applicants to impress their evaluators, rather than hoping to connect with a single individual and redeem earlier missteps.
What is the format? How long does it take?
MMIs involve rotating through a series of stations. At each station, applicants are presented with a hypothetical scenario or question prompt, to which they are provided 2-3 minutes to plan their answer and then 8-9 minutes to interact according to the required situation.
An MMI consists of six interview encounters, which take around twelve minutes each. The interviewers sit at “stations” and the interviewees move around them. Each “station” may involve answering a question, completing a practical task, or participating in a role-play, for example, dealing with a challenging situation.
Each question is marked separately and independently. 
What kind of topics are covered in the MMI?
As with any interview, the MMI is designed to evaluate verbal and non-verbal communication skills as well as provide additional information that helps understand a student’s readiness for the medicine program.
What is the best way to prepare for the MMI?
The MMI does not test specific knowledge. The format is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate their interpersonal and critical thinking skills. The best way to prepare is to practice expressing yourself articulately and logically in a timed environment.
Our tips to help you on the day
  • Make sure you thoroughly read the information you are sent about the MMI – plan your route to the university and leave plenty of time on the day, in case of delays.
  • Take your time to read the problem and clearly understand what is being asked.
  • Think about your answer before you start giving it. There are no trick questions, but it helps to think about what you are going to say before you say it.
  • Prepare thoroughly. We want you to demonstrate that you have a good idea of what it’s like to work in your chosen profession.
  • Keep in mind that it is the content and not the length of your response that is most important.
  • Don’t panic. If you run out of things to say, take a moment to collect your thoughts and see if you have anything relevant to add. If you think you’ve done badly on a particular station, put it out of your mind and confidently move to the next interview.
  • Don’t memorize a script – remember to answer the question you are being asked and try not to go off-topic. If you think you have gone off-track you can ask the interviewer to repeat the question.
  • Don’t try too hard to make an impression or stand out. You will be assessed on your friendly approach and professional responses.
Rules of the MMI
§  Arrive at least 30    minutes earlier than the time you are supposed to be at the University on the day of the MMI.
§   The rules and guidelines set by the University should be read and understood, as it is your responsibility to comply with them.
§  Between the Applicant and the Evaluator, there should be no conversations related to private life or context outside of the MMI theme.
§  Electronic devices such as cell phones, smartwatches, etc. are not allowed during the MMI process.
§  Any possible personal needs of the applicant must be completed before the interview begins, as no interruptions are allowed during the interview.
§  Keep in mind that the predetermined schedule for each station must be respected. Answer questions efficiently and concisely—don't just talk to fill the space.
If the above-mentioned rules are not followed, the student may be denied the right to receive points in this part of the process.
When will the MMI take place?
Between the 14th to 18th of August WBU will conduct the MMI, so each applicant should be present at the University premises on the day they will be selected. This kind of information will be delivered via e-mail previous to the specified date.
The MMI will begin its process at 9:00 am.
It should be noted that we must show up at least 30 minutes before MMI starts.
For further information please contact the Admissions Office
Phone: +355 67 60 20 600
Email: admissions@wbu.edu.al
