Ditmir Bushati with WBU students about education and the European dream | Western Balkans University

Ditmir Bushati with WBU students about education and the European dream

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The European perspective of the Western Balkans and investment in the education of young people are the main pillars on which the former Foreign Minister, politician, and well-known lecturer Ditmir Bushati focused, during a meeting he had with the students of Western Balkans University.

Mr. Bushati was received by the President of Western Balkans University, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, who informed him more about the approach of WBU and the integrated curriculum according to the best European universities.

In the conversation "European Purgatory of the Western Balkans" Mr. Bushati spoke about the importance of reforming higher education that not only expands the vision of young people but also creates a model that aligns with the standards of the European Union.

Although Mr. Bushati acknowledged the progress Albania has made so far in terms of reforms, he emphasized that there is still a long way to go to establish a competitive system that extends not only to the national level but also to the international level.
