Falling Walls Lab Tirana – Call for proposals | Western Balkans University

Falling Walls Lab Tirana – Call for proposals

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The academic staff and students of Western Balkans University are excited to announce their full commitment to "Falling Walls Lab" (FWL) platform introduced by Dr. Edlira Aruçi, Vice-Dean for Scientific Research at the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences.

FWL is a unique international event that brings together leaders from science, business, politics, art, and society. Western Balkans University has secured the exclusive right to organize this event, leading to the grand finale in Berlin on November 7, 2024, during Science Week.

We invite all individuals over 18 years old, from bachelor to postdoc level, with innovative ideas supported by scientific research to join us. This is a special opportunity for WBU researchers and other interested researchers from across the globe to collaborate in free scientific research. Work in full synergy with passionate individuals and contribute meaningfully to society through science.