Prof. tit. Dr. Ansgar Jödicke: Religion is not included in the training of medical personnel | Western Balkans University

Prof. tit. Dr. Ansgar Jödicke: Religion is not included in the training of medical personnel

Home >Latest News >Prof. tit. Dr. Ansgar Jödicke: Religion is not included in the training of medical personnel

An open lecture, titled "Knowledge about Religion - Where From and What For?", was held at Western Balkans University.

Professor and Doctor Ansgar Jödicke underlined the crucial importance of dealing with religious patients in the medical field, which can raise specific questions. 

However, it was noted that religion is not typically included in medical staff training. The lecture aimed to address the need for specific knowledge about religion in professional education at secular universities and how it can be useful. 

During the lesson were discussed practical examples within the context of the broader question of religion in society.