QA-SURE Visit in Slovenia | Western Balkans University

QA-SURE Visit in Slovenia

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The QA-SURE (Improving University Quality Assurance Resilient Strategies Toward Excellence) hosted a productive two-day meeting and study visit in Slovenia on June 20-21, 2024, bringing together consortium partners. The event focused on enhancing quality assurance mechanisms in higher education through collaborative discussions and the sharing of best practices.

On the first day of the meeting, the Project Coordinator from the International Social Sciences Business School (ISSBS) held a Welcome Speech and Program Presentation, introducing the event's objectives and agenda.  The meeting focused on Quality Assurance at ISSBS, covering self-evaluation reports, QA surveys, QA focus groups, and international evaluations. Furthermore, it included insights from management, academic staff, and students on internal and external evaluations, and a workshop where partners shared their current QA processes, ongoing changes, and plans.

On the second day, partners from Albania and Kosova were introduced to the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (NAKVIS), including accreditation and evaluation procedures, thematic analyses, the digitalization of quality procedures, and the Agency's international activities. Dr. Franci Demšar, the Director of the Agency, also presented his new book titled "Transparency in Science and Its Effects on Public Policy," emphasizing the crucial role of transparency in the advancement of science and its influence on enhancing quality in higher education. He explained the importance of the transparency of the information. Furthermore, he highlighted that transparency in research should be used as a success story and needs to be followed even in the public and industry sectors.

These visits are highly beneficial for all involved institutions, facilitating the exchange of information and best practices, contributing to the enhancement of quality systems at various levels, and aiding in the establishment of quality systems in countries with less developed frameworks. Such international cooperation is crucial for understanding and fostering a culture of quality in higher education both nationally and internationally.