Prof. Asoc. Dr. Albana Halili | Western Balkans University

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Albana Halili

Vice Rector


Dr. Albana completed her bachelor studies at the Department of Chemical Engineering and then successfully completed her MSc and Ph.D. studies in Biotechnology at Middle East Technical University/Turkey. Her main research focuses on biomaterials, tissue engineering, nanobiotechnology, materials science and recently biomedical imaging.

Dr. Halili has had a broad experience with research, project writing and management such as FP6, Horizon2020, Cost Actions and many Erasmus+ projects. To be emphasized is her experience as the main project coordinator of two Erasmus+ projects.

Albana is the author and co-author of many research papers. She is also a member of many scientific European Societies and part of the Editorial Boards of some international journals and conferences.
