The quality expert will provide two independent evaluation reports developed following the project requirements for an external and independent review. Prepare and submit an Interim evaluation report before December 2024 and a quality report regarding Assessment of activities and evaluations of the performance of process, before November 2025. The pivotal elements of the report should include results about the efficiency (summative purposes); effectiveness (operational purposes); quality (excellence purposes) and sustainability (after the project end).
The External quality expert of the QA-SURE project will:
The External quality expert of the QA-SURE project will:
- Monitor and evaluate the quality of implementation of activities and objectives and inform the Coordinator and the Consortium on warning signs, deviations and provide recommendations for improving the implementation;
- Monitor and evaluate the quality of the deliverables according to the indicators specified on the Logical Framework of the project;
- During the visit, participate in meetings with the Project Management Board (PMB) and Project Quality Assurance Board (PQAB) members. Any additional communications or meetings can be conducted via online platforms;
- Provide guidelines and recommendations for the improvement of the quality of the deliverables, applicable during and beyond project end date;
- Plan and apply the necessary corrective actions if any deviation on project outcomes has been identified;
- Prepare and submit to the coordinator of the project Interim evaluation report and recommendations before December 2024;
- Prepare and submit the Final Evaluation Report before November 2025
For complete information, please visit QaSure website.
The scope of work for the external evaluator relates to the following questions:
- Are all the deliverables produced according to the planned description and timeline, and according to the correct flow/sequence?
- To what extent has been considered the sustainability of the new offices/entities established within the HEIs (if applicable)?
- Do the new programs and policies developed provide the intended impact on the beneficiary HEI?
- Do the delivered training/professional development have the expected quality? How many academic staff, administrators and students benefited from the project implementation that were not directly involved or were part of the trainings and workshops?
Please submit your Expression of Interest and CV (all in English) via e-mail to [email protected] and [email protected]