Specialist pranë Zyrës së Komunikimit, PR dhe Pranimit të Studentëve | Western Balkans University

Specialist pranë Zyrës së Komunikimit, PR dhe Pranimit të Studentëve

Specialist pranë Zyrës së Komunikimit, PR dhe Pranimit të Studentëve

Specialist pranë Zyrës së Komunikimit, PR dhe Pranimit të Studentëve


Universiteti "Western Balkans", shpall pozicionin vakant te punes "specialist" prane Zyres se Komunikimit, Marredhenieve me Publikun dhe Pranimit te Studenteve, sipas kritereve te percaktuara ne shtojcen bashkelidhur. 


1. Communication Skills: The candidate must possess excellent communication skills, including the ability to communicate effectively with students, staff, and the general public.

2. Diplomacy and Intercultural Relations: It is important for the candidate to have a high level of knowledge in diplomacy and the ability to manage intercultural relations, considering the multicultural environment of a university.

3. Organizational Ability: The candidate must be efficient in organizing activities, meetings, and communication campaigns.

4. Experience in Social Media: The candidate must possess a deep understanding and be capable of managing social media to enhance the university's presentation and image.

5. Empathy and Care for Students: The candidate must demonstrate empathy and care for the needs of students, offering support and help in various matters.

6. Information Technology Skills: The candidate should be knowledgeable about information technology tools and platforms and be able to use new communication tools.

7. Creativity and Innovation: The candidate must possess creative skills and be ready to propose and implement new ideas in the field of communication.

8. Foreign Languages: Knowing foreign languages is an advantage, especially in an environment with many international students.

9. Bachelor's Program: The candidate must have completed at least one Bachelor's program.

By fulfilling these criteria, the candidate will be better equipped to adapt to the tasks and challenges of a position in the Office of Communication, Public Relations, and Student Admission.